Date Lecture Readings Logistics
Th 09/05 Lecture #1 :
Overview of Recommender Systems
[ slides notes | pynb ]

Th 09/12 Lecture #2 :
Background and baseline methods
[ slides notes | pynb ]

Th 09/19 Lecture #3 :
Machine Learning I
[ slides notes | pynb ]

Th 09/26 ⏰ Lab Quiz 1: Run baseline methods in Kaggle

G25 LSB [Kaggle Tutorial]

Th 10/03 Lecture #4 :
Machine Learning II
[ slides notes | pynb ]

HW1 out [colab link] (due Oct 10)

Th 10/10 Lecture #5 :
MF Models I
[ slides notes | pynb ]

Th 10/17 Lecture #6 :
MF Models II
[ slides notes | pynb ]

Th 10/24 ⏰ Lab Quiz 2: Run SVD methods in Kaggle


Th 10/31 Lecture #7 :
Neural Networks
[ slides notes | pynb ]

HW2 out [colab link] (due Nov 07)

Th 11/07 Lecture #8 :
Neural Matrix Factorization
[ slides notes | pynb ]

Th 11/14 No lecture

HW3 out [colab link] (due Nov 21)

Th 11/21 Lecture #9 :
Neural Recsys with Side Information
[ slides notes | pynb ]

Th 11/28 ⏰ Lab Quiz 2: Question sets in Jupyter Notebook

Lab Room: LSB C3 (Floor G) [Final Quiz Instructions]